Crime Scene Tools UV

Crime Scene Tools UV

We have the perfect light for Crime Scene investigations utilizing multiple wavelengths. Risk Reactor Crime Scene Black Lights (Ultraviolet) are for close examination of the crime scene to expose evidence not visible under normal lighting or to the naked eye.

The conditions of the crime scene often will determine which sort of light (ie. Wavelength, strength of light, controlling the ambient light, etc.) will be most effective for your application. Many law enforcement and criminal investigators choose between using UV light, blue light, and the right UV Orange goggles, to suit their needs. UV responsive evidence can not hide from our ultra violet black lights. Various wavelengths of Ultra Violet energy reveals hidden blood, fingerprints, fibers, and subcutaneous bruises on living and/or dead bodies. You will need various wavelengths to effectively find as much as possible With this being said, 3 to 6 will cover most situations. We have stronger units and we create new ones for clients.

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